Welcome to Hana®’s Big Sex Survey! In 2022, we surveyed over 2,000 18-54-year-old women, trans and non-binary people living in the U.K and asked them about their thoughts on sex, relationships and contraception. Participants had the option to skip certain questions if they wished. Please scroll down to see the full data set.
If you’re interested in viewing our qualitative responses (i.e. the ‘other’ responses and the responses to question 40) or if you would like to ask any questions or make any comments about this survey, please email hana@dirtandglorymedia.co.uk.
How old are you?
Age | Percentage | Number of respondents |
18-24 | 16.78% | 340 |
25-34 | 37.81% | 766 |
35-44 | 29.02% | 588 |
45-54 | 16.39% | 332 |
Total: 2,026 |
What is your gender identity?
Gender | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Female | 98.32% | 1,994 |
Male | 0.20% | 4 |
Trans man | 0.35% | 7 |
Trans woman | 0.0% | 0 |
Non binary | 0.79% | 16 |
Prefer not to say | 0.05% | 1 |
Other | 0.30% | 6 |
Total: 2,028 |
What is your relationship status?
Relationship status | Percentage | Number of respondents |
In a monogamous relationship | 44.33% | 899 |
In a polyamorous relationship(s) | 0.54% | 11 |
In an open relationship | 0.54% | 11 |
Married | 28.11% | 570 |
Divorced | 2.07% | 42 |
Friends with benefits | 1.04% | 21 |
Situationship | 1.28% | 26 |
Dating | 3.30% | 67 |
Single | 17.85% | 362 |
Prefer not to say | 0.30% | 6 |
Other | 0.64% | 13 |
Total: 2,028 |
How long have you been in your relationship(s)?
Amount of time with partner(s) | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Under 6 months | 3.90% | 79 |
Under a year | 3.25% | 66 |
1-3 years | 12.62% | 256 |
4-7 years | 14.99% | 304 |
7-10 years | 11.44% | 232 |
Over 10 years | 33.58% | 681 |
I’m not in a relationship | 19.82% | 402 |
Prefer not to say | 0.25% | 5 |
Other | 0.15% | 3 |
Total: 2,028 |
How would you describe your sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Heterosexual | 82.68% | 1,676 |
Bisexual | 10.01% | 203 |
Pansexual | 2.61% | 53 |
Lesbian/Gay | 2.66% | 54 |
Asexual | 1.04% | 21 |
Prefer not to say | 0.25% | 5 |
Other | 0.74% | 15 |
Total: 2,027 |
How many sexual partners have you had in the last 5 years?
Number of partners | Percentage | Number of respondents |
None | 7.25% | 147 |
One | 62.85% | 1,274 |
2-5 | 21.76% | 441 |
6-9 | 4.24% | 86 |
10-15 | 1.63% | 33 |
16-21 | 1.04% | 21 |
Between 22 and 30 | 0.49% | 10 |
30-39 | 0.10% | 2 |
40-49 | 0.05% | 1 |
50+ | 0.05% | 1 |
I can’t remember | 0.30% | 6 |
Prefer not to say | 0.25% | 5 |
Total: 2,027 |
In your ideal world, how often would you have sex?
How often | Percentage | Number of respondents |
More than once a day | 3.30% | 67 |
Once a day | 8.63% | 175 |
A few times a week | 50.30% | 1,020 |
Once a week | 18.44% | 374 |
Once a fortnight | 3.45% | 70 |
A few times a month | 7.05% | 143 |
Less than once a month | 2.86% | 58 |
A few times a year | 1.82% | 37 |
Less than once a year | 0.20% | 4 |
Never | 2.37% | 48 |
Prefer not to say | 1.08% | 22 |
Other | 0.49% | 10 |
Total: 2,028 |
On average, how often do you have sex?
How often | Percentage | Number of respondents |
At least once a day | 1.63% | 33 |
A few times a week | 23.62% | 479 |
A few times a month | 35.21% | 714 |
Every couple of months | 12.82% | 260 |
A few times a year | 8.53% | 173 |
Less than once a year | 5.52% | 112 |
Never | 8.48% | 172 |
Prefer not to say | 2.76% | 56 |
Other | 1.43% | 29 |
Total: 2,028 |
Are you satisfied with how much sex you’re having?
Are you satisfied? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes | 50.99% | 1,035 |
No | 44.98% | 913 |
Prefer not to say | 4.04% | 82 |
Total: 2,030 |
Would you prefer to have more or less sex than you’re currently having?
More or less sex? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
More | 56.56% | 1,147 |
Less | 3.75% | 76 |
I’m happy with the amount of sex I’m having | 37.52% | 761 |
Prefer not to say | 2.17% | 44 |
Total: 2,028 |
How often do you orgasm from penetrative sex?
How often? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Every time | 9.17% | 186 |
Regularly | 20.51% | 416 |
Sometimes | 22.24% | 451 |
Rarely | 22.58% | 458 |
Never | 17.16% | 348 |
I don’t have penetrative sex | 5.72% | 116 |
Prefer not to say | 2.61% | 53 |
Total: 2,028 |
How often do you orgasm from non-penetrative sex?
How often? | Percentage | Number of responses |
Every time | 23.47% | 476 |
Regularly | 35.36% | 717 |
Sometimes | 20.86% | 423 |
Rarely | 7.10% | 144 |
Never | 4.68% | 95 |
I don’t have non-penetrative sex | 5.87% | 119 |
Prefer not to say | 2.66% | 54 |
Total: 2,028 |
Why do you have sex? (Multiple choice question)
Why do you have sex? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Because I enjoy it | 75.83% | 1,537 |
To relieve sexual frustration | 29.45% | 597 |
To bond with my partner(s) | 70.79% | 1,435 |
Because it’s what you do in a relationship | 24.62% | 499 |
Because my partner likes it | 33.45% | 678 |
For stress relief | 23.68% | 480 |
Prefer not to say | 3.06% | 62 |
Other | 3.35% | 68 |
Total: : 2,027 |
Where is your favourite place to have sex?
Favourite place | Percentage | Number of respondents |
In a bed | 84.71% | 1,718 |
On the sofa | 4.59% | 93 |
In a car | 0.59% | 12 |
Outside | 1.92% | 39 |
On the beach | 0.25% | 5 |
In the shower | 1.82% | 37 |
In the kitchen | 0.44% | 9 |
On a plane | 0.10% | 2 |
Prefer not to say | 3.30% | 67 |
Other | 2.27% | 46 |
Total: 2,028 |
What time of day do you like having sex?
Time of day | Percentage | Respondents |
Morning before getting up | 18.34% | 372 |
Mid-morning | 3.80% | 77 |
Afternoon | 7.89% | 160 |
Evening | 37.33% | 757 |
Before sleep | 25.59% | 519 |
Prefer not to say | 3.40% | 69 |
Other | 3.65% | 74 |
Total: 2,028 |
Have you ever had sex with more than one person at the same time (i.e. a threesome, foursome and/or group sex)
Have you ever had sex with more than one person at the same time? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes, more than once | 5.17% | 105 |
Just the once | 7.15% | 145 |
No, but I’d like to | 17.10% | 347 |
No, and I don’t want to | 68.85% | 1,397 |
Prefer not to say | 1.28% | 26 |
Other | 0.44% | 9 |
Total: 2,029 |
What is your favourite season to have sex?
Which season? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Winter | 7.98% | 162 |
Spring | 5.47% | 111 |
Summer | 12.17% | 247 |
Autumn | 3.60% | 73 |
I like sex in all the seasons | 66.14% | 1,342 |
Prefer not to say | 2.86% | 58 |
Other | 1.77% | 36 |
Total: 2,029 |
Do you feel comfortable expressing your sexual desires to your partner(s)?
Do you feel comfortable? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes, I’m very open about what I like | 28.61% | 580 |
Yes, but only with people I feel comfortable with | 32.66% | 662 |
I talk about it, but find it embarrassing | 15.34% | 311 |
I find it hard to talk about | 14.36% | 291 |
I never talk about what I want sexually | 6.17% | 125 |
Prefer not to say | 2.22% | 45 |
Other | 0.64% | 13 |
Total: 2,027 |
Have you ever faked an orgasm?
Have you ever faked an orgasm? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes | 60.33% | 1,224 |
No | 37.95% | 770 |
Prefer not to say | 1.72% | 35 |
Total: 2,029 |
What is your favourite type of sex?
What is your favourite type of sex? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
All | 10.99% | 223 |
Vaginal sex | 52.22% | 1,060 |
Anal sex | 0.20% | 4 |
Oral sex (receiving) | 18.52% | 376 |
Oral sex (giving) | 2.12% | 43 |
Fingering | 7.73% | 157 |
Hand jobs | 0.34% | 7 |
Prefer not to say | 6.06% | 123 |
Other | 1.82% | 37 |
Total: 2,030 |
Do you find you want to have sex more in a long term or new relationship?
Do you find you want to have sex more in a long term or new relationship? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Long term | 52.48% | 1,035 |
New | 42.44% | 837 |
Prefer not to say | 16.63% | 328 |
Total: 1,972 |
What is your favourite sex position?
Favourite sex position | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Missionary | 31.20% | 633 |
Doggy style | 27.35% | 555 |
The Wheelbarrow | 0.44% | 9 |
Sitting up | 4.58% | 93 |
Leap frog | 0.54% | 11 |
Cow girl | 10.50% | 213 |
Reverse cow girl | 1.68% | 34 |
Spread eagle | 1.63% | 33 |
Standing up | 0.84% | 17 |
Spooning | 7.49% | 152 |
Scissoring | 1.08% | 22 |
Prefer not to say | 9.22% | 187 |
Other | 3.45% | 70 |
Total: 2,029 |
Do you masturbate?
Do you masturbate? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes | 76.40% | 1,547 |
No | 19.21% | 389 |
Prefer not to say | 4.40% | 89 |
Total: 2,025 |
How often do you masturbate?
How often do you masturbate? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
More than once a day | 0.74% | 15 |
Once a day | 3.69% | 75 |
A few times a week | 25.62% | 520 |
Every so often | 46.31% | 940 |
I don’t masturbate | 17.44% | 354 |
Prefer not to say | 6.01% | 122 |
Other | 0.20% | 4 |
Total: 2,030 |
Do you watch porn?
Do you watch porn? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes | 42.53% | 863 |
No | 55.25% | 1,121 |
Prefer not to say | 2.22% | 45 |
Total: 2,029 |
Do you feel self-conscious about your body when you have sex?
Do you feel self conscious about your body during sex? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes | 60.37% | 1,225 |
No | 37.56% | 762 |
Prefer not to say | 2.91% | 59 |
Total: 2,029 |
Do you prefer to have sex with the lights on or off?
Do you prefer to have sex with the lights on or off? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
On | 28.52% | 578 |
Off | 65.71% | 1,332 |
Prefer not to say | 5.77% | 117 |
Total: 2,027 |
How do you feel about sex during your period?
How do you feel about sex during your period? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
I like having sex on my period | 3.79% | 77 |
I’ll sometimes have sex on my period | 22.71% | 461 |
I have sex on my period to avoid pregnancy | 0.10% | 2 |
I don’t have sex on my period, but I’m open to it | 13.30% | 270 |
I don’t have sex on my period, and I don’t want to | 47.00% | 954 |
I don’t get a period | 10.39% | 211 |
Prefer not to say | 1.63% | 33 |
Other | 1.08% | 22 |
Total: 2,030 |
How often do you use contraception with your partner(s)?
How often do you use contraception? | Percentage | Number of responses |
Every time we have sex | 45.24% | 918 |
Most of the times we have sex | 8.82% | 179 |
Occasionally when we have sex | 4.29% | 87 |
Rarely when we have sex | 6.75% | 137 |
Never | 29.92% | 607 |
Prefer not to say | 4.98% | 101 |
Total: 2,029 |
Do you use contraception with your partner(s)?
Do you use contraception with your partner(s)? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes, male condoms | 34.07% | 691 |
Yes, female condoms | 0.74% | 15 |
Yes, the progestogen-only contraceptive pill | 7.79% | 158 |
Yes, the combined contraceptive pill | 12.43% | 252 |
I take a contraceptive pill but I’m not sure which one | 3.90% | 79 |
Yes, the injection | 2.12% | 43 |
Yes, the implant | 5.37% | 109 |
Yes, the IUS or IUD (also known as the coil) | 7.89% | 160 |
Yes, the vaginal ring | 0.10% | 2 |
Yes, the patch | 0.35% | 7 |
I am sterilised | 2.51% | 51 |
I use the withdrawal method | 7.84% | 159 |
I use fertility planning | 1.97% | 40 |
I use the morning after pill | 0.94% | 19 |
No, I’m trying to get pregnant | 3.11% | 63 |
No, I don’t use contraception | 19.63% | 398 |
Prefer not to say | 4.39% | 89 |
Total: 2,028 |
If you use the contraceptive pill, how satisfied are you with your current pill?
If you use the contraceptive pill, how satisfied are you with your current pill? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Very satisfied | 48.96% | 189 |
Somewhat satisfied | 35.75% | 138 |
Somewhat dissatisfied | 10.10% | 39 |
Very dissatisfied | 3.11% | 12 |
I don’t use the contraceptive pill | 1.81% | 7 |
Prefer not to say | 0.26% | 1 |
Total: 386 |
Would you consider using the contraceptive pill?
Would you consider using the contraceptive pill? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes, I am considering switching to the contraceptive pill at the moment | 6.60% | 130 |
Yes, if I was in a steady relationship | 9.14% | 180 |
Yes, if we had regular STI checkups | 0.56% | 11 |
Yes if I didn’t have to go and see a doctor | 2.13% | 42 |
Yes, if it was easier to access the contraceptive pill | 1.63% | 32 |
Yes, if I found a contraceptive pill that I got on with | 8.48% | 167 |
No I would worry about forgetting to take it | 5.13% | 101 |
No, I don’t want to use hormonal contraception | 28.49% | 561 |
No, I like using condoms | 2.95% | 58 |
No, I use another method to prevent pregnancy | 11.63% | 229 |
Prefer not to say | 4.32% | 85 |
Other | 18.94% | 373 |
Total: 1,969 |
Have you used condoms in the last year?
Have you used condoms in the last year? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes | 38.33% | 757 |
No | 60.25% | 1,190 |
Prefer not to say | 1.42% | 28 |
Total: 1,975 |
What do you use condoms for?
What do you use condoms for? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
To prevent pregnancy | 55.85% | 449 |
To prevent sexually transmitted infections | 7.71% | 62 |
Both | 30.97% | 249 |
Prefer not to say | 1.12% | 9 |
Other | 4.35% | 35 |
Total: 804 |
Has a condom you’ve been using ever broken?
Has a condom you’ve been using ever broken? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Yes | 24.64% | 482 |
No | 73.88% | 1,445 |
Prefer not to say | 1.48% | 29 |
Total: 1,956 |
How important is your partner’s point of view about your method of contraception?
How important is your partner’s point of view about your method of contraception? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Very important | 32.60% | 637 |
Somewhat important | 42.07% | 822 |
Not very important | 15.30% | 299 |
Very unimportant | 7.06% | 138 |
Prefer not to say | 2.97% | 58 |
Total: 1,954 |
How much interest does your partner(s) take in your choice of contraceptive method?
How much interest does your partner(s) take in your choice of contraceptive method? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Very interested | 23.44% | 458 |
Somewhat interested | 35.41% | 692 |
Not very interested | 22.47% | 439 |
Completely uninterested | 10.24% | 200 |
Prefer not to say | 8.44% | 165 |
Total: 1,954 |
How often do you get an STI test?
How often do you get an STI test? | Percentage | Number of respondents |
Every six months | 1.84% | 36 |
Once a year | 3.32% | 65 |
Whenever I sleep with someone new | 20.72% | 405 |
When I think I might have symptoms | 11.00% | 215 |
When I remember | 4.60% | 90 |
Never | 53.04% | 1,037 |
Prefer not to say | 2.76% | 54 |
Other | 2.71% | 53 |
Total: 1,955 |
What is one piece of advice you would give for happy and healthy sex and relationships?
This was a qualitative question with too many responses to list here in full. Please get in touch if you would like a full list of responses.